Rechten voor de Natuur - Jessica den Outer


I write articles, book chapters, columns and my own books.

In 2023, the book 'Rechten voor de Natuur' will be published by Lemniscaat. It is a book full of examples and stories of Rights of Nature around the world. From Mother Earth in Ecuador to the Whanganui River in New Zealand. This book shows that anyone can get started with Rights of Nature, not just lawyers.

Previously, I co-wrote with Dr. Laura Burgers the compendium 'Rights of Nature: case studies of six continents' for the Embassy of the North Sea. You can order the compendium here. I also contributed to the books Jongeren. Klimaat. Nu' (Lemniscaat 2021), Voor altijd Jan' (The Optimist 2021), 'Narratives of the forest' (Elmo Vermijs 2021) and many more.

I also write articles. One of my best-read articles is the plea for De Correspondent: Onze planeet leefbaar houden? Geef bossen en rivieren rechten.

You can read my columns about Rights of Nature and my personal experiences for the platform 'VanafHier' here.

Feel free to contact me for collaborations or ideas:
